
External Field Verification

Vehicle Registration

DEBT collection

IT Consulting

Digital Forensic

Legal & Mortgage

Income Estimation

Process Management


What We Do

  • Credit Card Verification
  • Vehicle Verification
  • SME Loan Verification
  • Personal Loan Verification


  • Secure login: The software should require secure authentication for users to access the system, such as two-factor authentication or biometric authentication.
  • User roles: The software should enable users to be assigned different roles, with different levels of access to the system and its data.
  • Data validation: The software should validate all incoming data for accuracy and consistency before it is stored in the system.
  • Flexible data formats: The software should be able to accept and store data in a variety of formats, including text, images, videos, and other types of files.
  • Automated alerts: The software should be able to generate automated alerts when specific events occur, such as when a new record is created or when a field is changed.
  • Automated data processing: The software should be able to process data automatically, such as by extracting key information or performing calculations on the data.
  • Additional Underwriter support by Quality Check
  • Data auditing: The software should log all changes to data and include features for auditing and reverting to previous versions of data.
  • Data security: The software should include features to protect data from unauthorized access or modification, such as encryption and access control mechanisms.


What We Do

  • Verifying proof of identity
  • Verifying proof of residence
  • Confirming proof of insurance
  • Verifying vehicle registration
  • Inspecting the vehicle to ensure it meets safety requirements
  • Collecting payment for registration fees
  • Issuing the registration certificate and license plate
  • Notifying the owner of the registration’s expiration date


  • Centralized Database: A centralized database to store vehicle registration information and records for easy retrieval and access.
  • Online Registration: An online registration system that allows customers to easily register their vehicles online.
  • User Accounts: A user account system that allows customers to securely store their vehicle registration information.
  • Payment Gateway: Integration of a payment gateway to allow customers to pay for vehicle registration fees online.
  • Automated Renewal Reminders: Automated reminders to customers when their vehicle registration is due for renewal.
  • Document Management: A document management system to store and manage all necessary documents related to vehicle registration.
  • Reporting & Analytics: Generate reports and gain insights into vehicle registration trends and customer preferences.
  • Mobile App: A mobile app to allow customers to access their vehicle registration information on the go.

Digital Forensic

What We Do

  • Mobile Data Forenssic
  • CDR Analysis (Call Data Records)
  • Social Media Analysis
  • Examine Digital Footprint


  • Data Extraction: Digital mobile forensics can extract data from a range of mobile devices and operating systems, including Android, iOS, and Windows. This includes messages, contacts, call logs, photos, videos, and more.
  • Password Cracking: Investigators can use digital mobile forensics to crack passwords and gain access to locked devices.
  • Data Analysis: Digital mobile forensics can also be used to analyze data from mobile devices for evidence. The data can be used to determine connections between people and identify suspicious behavior.
  • Deleted Data Recovery: Digital mobile forensics can access deleted data from mobile devices, such as messages and photos, that may be important to an investigation.
  • Location Tracking: Digital mobile forensics can be used to track the location of a device and identify the user’s movements. This can be used to determine if a suspect was at a certain place at a certain time.

Legal & Mortgage

What We Do

  • handling the process of lien placing and mortgage process through our legal team for the HR loans


Debt Collection

What We Do

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IT Consulting

What We Do

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Income Estimation

What We Do

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Process Management

What We Do

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Our Team

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For Strong base to touch heights


Kamran Arif


Imran Qureshi


saaqib malik

Head Of Operation

Rana Asif

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