
External Field Verification

Vehicle Registration

DEBT collection

IT Consulting

Digital Forensic

Legal & Mortgage

Income Estimation

Process Management


What We Do

  • Credit Card Verification
  • Vehicle Verification
  • SME Loan Verification
  • Personal Loan Verification


  • Secure login: The software should require secure authentication for users to access the system, such as two-factor authentication or biometric authentication.
  • User roles: The software should enable users to be assigned different roles, with different levels of access to the system and its data.
  • Data validation: The software should validate all incoming data for accuracy and consistency before it is stored in the system.
  • Flexible data formats: The software should be able to accept and store data in a variety of formats, including text, images, videos, and other types of files.
  • Automated alerts: The software should be able to generate automated alerts when specific events occur, such as when a new record is created or when a field is changed.
  • Automated data processing: The software should be able to process data automatically, such as by extracting key information or performing calculations on the data.
  • Additional Underwriter support by Quality Check
  • Data auditing: The software should log all changes to data and include features for auditing and reverting to previous versions of data.
  • Data security: The software should include features to protect data from unauthorized access or modification, such as encryption and access control mechanisms.


What We Do

  • Verifying proof of identity
  • Verifying proof of residence
  • Confirming proof of insurance
  • Verifying vehicle registration
  • Inspecting the vehicle to ensure it meets safety requirements
  • Collecting payment for registration fees
  • Issuing the registration certificate and license plate
  • Notifying the owner of the registration’s expiration date


  • Centralized Database: A centralized database to store vehicle registration information and records for easy retrieval and access.
  • Online Registration: An online registration system that allows customers to easily register their vehicles online.
  • User Accounts: A user account system that allows customers to securely store their vehicle registration information.
  • Payment Gateway: Integration of a payment gateway to allow customers to pay for vehicle registration fees online.
  • Automated Renewal Reminders: Automated reminders to customers when their vehicle registration is due for renewal.
  • Document Management: A document management system to store and manage all necessary documents related to vehicle registration.
  • Reporting & Analytics: Generate reports and gain insights into vehicle registration trends and customer preferences.
  • Mobile App: A mobile app to allow customers to access their vehicle registration information on the go.

Digital Forensic

What We Do

  • Mobile Data Forenssic
  • CDR Analysis (Call Data Records)
  • Social Media Analysis
  • Examine Digital Footprint


  • Data Extraction: Digital mobile forensics can extract data from a range of mobile devices and operating systems, including Android, iOS, and Windows. This includes messages, contacts, call logs, photos, videos, and more.
  • Password Cracking: Investigators can use digital mobile forensics to crack passwords and gain access to locked devices.
  • Data Analysis: Digital mobile forensics can also be used to analyze data from mobile devices for evidence. The data can be used to determine connections between people and identify suspicious behavior.
  • Deleted Data Recovery: Digital mobile forensics can access deleted data from mobile devices, such as messages and photos, that may be important to an investigation.
  • Location Tracking: Digital mobile forensics can be used to track the location of a device and identify the user’s movements. This can be used to determine if a suspect was at a certain place at a certain time.

Legal & Mortgage

What We Do

  • handling the process of lien placing and mortgage process through our legal team for the HR loans


Debt Collection

What We Do

Our team of debt collection experts boasts extensive expertise and focuses on reclaiming debts through methods such as dispute resolution, mediation, negotiation, and settlement. We possess the flexibility to tailor our recovery approach to your specific situation and can adeptly represent either the creditor or the debtor in these proceedings.Our in-depth comprehension of the various avenues and procedural intricacies equips our team to offer effective solutions whenever possible. This encompasses exploring the potential of the UAE's judicial system as a final recourse, should the need arise.


At CLOUD DATA, we pride ourselves on our comprehensive language capabilities, boasting a team of bilingual English, Urdu, and Arabic-speaking professionals who are integral to our call center operations. These skilled individuals are equipped to fluently communicate in multiple languages, ensuring effective and culturally sensitive interactions with our diverse clientele.To facilitate seamless communication, each member of our bilingual staff is assigned a private landline number dedicated to receiving and initiating calls. This exclusive contact point ensures a consistent and direct line of communication between our call center agents and customers, fostering a personalized and efficient experience.One of the core strengths of our approach lies in the meticulous record-keeping that we maintain. Every single phone call, whether incoming or outgoing, is meticulously documented in comprehensive logs. This meticulous logging system serves as an invaluable resource for auditing and monitoring purposes. Each call is not only logged but also preserved in audio format, capturing the entirety of the conversation.The availability of audio recordings proves to be instrumental in our commitment to transparency and quality assurance. These recordings can be reviewed by authorized personnel for audits, evaluations, and monitoring. This meticulous approach not only ensures that our communication remains accurate and compliant with regulations but also serves as a valuable tool for training and continuous improvement.In essence, our bilingual call center staff, armed with their private landline numbers, work diligently to foster effective communication. The comprehensive logging and audio recording of calls underscore our dedication to transparency, accountability, and the highest standards of service quality.

Income Estimation

What We Do

At CLOUD DATA, we specialize in providing expert consultancy services to banks and financial institutions. Our core focus is on conducting thorough and meticulous assessments, income estimations, and comprehensive financial appraisals for both salaried employees and business individuals. These assessments encompass individuals with income from single or multiple sources. We meticulously analyze various aspects, including personal and credit characteristics, as well as broader factors such as character, reputation, lifestyle, expenditures, geographical location, and social environment. The outcome is a comprehensive and highly accurate understanding of the customer.

Our Approach is Built on Key Fundamentals

Validation of the applicant's business history, ensuring a minimum operational period. Evaluation of the applicant's active participation in the business. Detailed examination of the applicant's status within the business, including share percentage and financial performance. Thorough assessment of business gross revenues, direct costs, inventory impact, and associated expenses. Scrutiny of personal information, encompassing household expenses, education costs, number of dependents, domestic staff details, vehicle ownership, investments, and property holdings.

The Power of Income Estimation

Our Income Estimation services offer an invaluable third-party perspective that assists banks in evaluating borrower creditworthiness and repayment capacity. This impartial assessment aids in calculating the debt burden ratio ("DBR"), a vital metric for loan approval decisions.

Empowering Banks with Unbiased Insights

CLOUD DATA's meticulous approach empowers banks and financial institutions with independent insights that facilitate confident and informed lending decisions. Our assessments not only assess financial health but also provide a holistic view of the applicant's circumstances. This strategic advantage allows institutions to ensure responsible lending practices while fostering strong customer relationships.Discover the true potential of credit assessment with CLOUD DATA. Contact us today for expert consultation.

Our Team

Great Team Leaders
For Strong base to touch heights


Kamran Arif


Imran Qureshi


saaqib malik

Head Of Operation

Rana Asif

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